
Dorcas Kamuya
Candidate CV questions (extra)
Open University (Uk) – 2009-2012 (PhD); London School of Hygiene and tropical Medicine (MPH) 2006-2008; Bsc. Agricultural Economics (Egerton University)
PhD, MPH, B.Sc.
Work History:
Oxford University and KEMRI-Wellcome trust (currently); previoulsy worked with GTZ (German technical cooperation); and at one time, I worked with the Ministry of Agriculture
Current Job:
Post-doctoral researcher in research ethics
Oxford University and KEMRI-Wellcome Trust, Kilifi.
Favourite thing to do in my job: Discovering new things, observing how things are in real life and trying to make sense of it.
My work
I like to seek different views about what the right thing to do is (i.e ethics of conducting research)
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My work is really fun and cool, I like engaging in conversations with different people. Many times, I like to seek opinions about issues that can sometimes seem controversial, or where we are not sure what the right thing to do is. For example, I might want to find out whether youth of 14 – 17 years should make decisions for themselves on whether or not to enroll in research. This can seem contrary to the current law which states that parents/guardians should make those decisions; and that the youth can be consulted. So then, I can decided to talk to different sorts of people, including youth, parents/guardians, health managers, researchers and others, compare their views and make some recommendations.
The other cool job I assist in is explaining research to community members and lay people. This is really interesting because I get to hear from different researchers all kinds of work they do, then try to figure out how to explain their research – which sometimes uses difficult terms and is not easy to understand – to people who may not know it. The fun bit is that we get to use different materials to explain research such as videos, leaflets, posters;I just love the creativity involved in this process.
My Typical Day
Helping researchers think what the right thing to do is under different circumstances
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I usually wake up between 6.30-7am, take light breakfast (often tea and mahamri) and then get to office before 8am. Sometimes I get to office earlier if I have several meetings scheduled for the day. I spend about 15-30 minutes responding to emails, then attend a number of departmental and work-related meetings; take a break by around 11am – chat with friends, check up social medial, then resume work until 1pm when I break for lunch. Sometimes I work throughout lunch, especially if am out in the field.I work throughout afternoon; go for a walk or swim by 6pm, get home by 7pm, prepare and have dinner. Sometimes I get back to work, or can chill with some cool music, catch up with news in TV, read a book or watch a dvd. By 11pm, am knackered and ready for bed; other times, I can work until late – if there are deadlines to meet. Some days are busy, others are light. At the end of the day, it does not matter how many hours I put in, because I enjoy my work.
What I'd do with the money
Donate it to the School Engagement Project (SEP), a research project that is engaging schools in Kilifi about science and health research
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Outgoing, fun, observant
What was your favourite subject at school?
Mathematics, loved playing around with numbers.
What did you want to be after you left school?
Medicine, but I couldn’t stand the sight of blood and patients suffering
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Once, all for a good course though (or so I thought at the time)
If you weren't a scientist, what would you be?
An artist, hopefully producing masterpieces – (otherwise, how else will I pay the bills?)
Who is your favourite singer or band?
changes all the time, currently enjoying music by Diamond; Trey Songz, and Christine Shusho
What's your favourite food?
Biryani ya kuku – If only I was good at making it!
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Tubing along river Mekong – I sat on presured tyre tube (similar to a floater) and rode the river current downstream. My behind was raw by the end of the tube ride
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Make ground-breaking research, get rich in the process and be a good influence to others
Tell us a joke.
After an end-of-term exam, the chemistry teacher asked John, “were the questions difficult?”. John answered, “the questions were not difficult at all, it’s the answers that gave me all the trouble”
My Comments
Why is the population of female high than that of men yet the ratio genetically is 1:1? (1 comments)
For one to be a scientist is it a must to do physics? In your work place what do you enjoy most? (1 comments)