Priscilla Ngotho
My work: Looking at two malaria parasite genes
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Is true that a fly has a life span of 7 days?Latest Comment:
I'm a Scientist - your winner is... (1 comments) -
Melissa Kapulu
My work: I am very passionate about science and what I do. And this has landed me in Kilifi where I am part of a team trying to determine who in the...
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is typhoid same as choleraLatest Comment:
what causes fibrioud......? (2 comments) -
James Otieno
My work: Genetic and evolutionary diversity of viruses.
Dorcas Kamuya
My work: I like to seek different views about what the right thing to do is (i.e ethics of conducting research)
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what is fistulaLatest Comment:
Why is the population of female high than that of men yet the ratio genetically is 1:1? (1 comments) -
Moses Kiti
My work: Study of human social interactions to understand how infections spread.