This is a question that has raised a debate between my colleagues and I. It seems that there is no clear scientific proof that people can determine the gender of their children.
Scientifically the man determines the gender of the child. Humans carry 46 chromosomes, 22 pairs (44 chromosomes) are autosomal and 1 pair (2) are sex chromosomes. The two sex chromosomes are either XX for females and XY for males. That means only the father can give the Y chromosome hence determine the gender of the baby. Therefore it all seems to happen by chance, that the baby either gets the X chromosome from dad and is a girl (XX) or gets a Y chromosome and is a boy (XY). All the other theories going round about how things like diet, time of conception etc have not been scientifically proven.
The husband and wife in this case should stop trying because 4 children is enough for 1 family and if they get a boy as the 5th born then the 5 girls might bully him too much 🙂
Man does not stand any chance of deciding on the gender of their offspring. The gender of a baby depends on whether the man gives out an X or Y chromosome to pair with the X chromosome donated by the woman. So giving birth to a boy or a girl is purely a matter of chance.
Evard commented on :
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its full of biology; genetically
MAN FROM JAPAN commented on :
Man does not stand any chance of deciding on the gender of their offspring. The gender of a baby depends on whether the man gives out an X or Y chromosome to pair with the X chromosome donated by the woman. So giving birth to a boy or a girl is purely a matter of chance.
Priscilla commented on :
That is true. But ultimately only the man can give the Y chromosome so he has the power to give a boy or girl. The woman only has X