Blood clotting after an injury is very important to prevent excessive bleeding which can lead to shock or even death. clotting is a rather complex process and involves many proteins and molecules (factors) in the body. A blood clot also called thrombus is a response to a break in blood vessel and it’s made up of platelet aggregates and a mesh of a protein called fibrin. When tissues are damaged they expose a certain protein to blood cells and this in turn triggers a chain reaction that leads to formation of clots.
In certain cases blood clots form in a healthy uninjured blood vessel and this can cause blockage of blood flow to certain areas leading to certain problems. Examples are stroke which can be caused by blockage of blood flow to the brain due to clots in brain blood vessels and heart attack caused by blockage of blood flow to certain parts of the heart.
@ jemmmoh
That is a very good observation. People with haemophilia usually have a deficiency in one of the clotting factors, so they tend to bleed for longer than normal people. Eventually they stop bleeding (some after several days!) because formation of clots will take place though very slowly. There are treatments which include replacing the deficient factor and in some cases blood transfusion. With proper care haemophiliacs can lead a normal life.
I’m not an expert in this but from what i know it is unlikely. sickle cell is a disorder of the red blood cells. A gene mutation causes a defect when the red blood cells form and they acquire the sickle shape instead of biconcave disc shape. This makes them unable to transport oxygen effectively and because of the funny shape they can cause blockage of blood vessels leading to pain and other complications. Other components of blood including platelets and clotting factors are usually un affected, so blood would clot normally.
jemmmoh commented on :
thank you Priscilla for the wonderful answer.. but then how does the hemophiliac persons survive during a cut or any injury to their body ?
Priscilla commented on :
@ jemmmoh
That is a very good observation. People with haemophilia usually have a deficiency in one of the clotting factors, so they tend to bleed for longer than normal people. Eventually they stop bleeding (some after several days!) because formation of clots will take place though very slowly. There are treatments which include replacing the deficient factor and in some cases blood transfusion. With proper care haemophiliacs can lead a normal life.
jemmmoh commented on :
Ok.. thank you once again… “blood failing to clot” is it one of the symptoms of sickle cell diseases.
Priscilla commented on :
I’m not an expert in this but from what i know it is unlikely. sickle cell is a disorder of the red blood cells. A gene mutation causes a defect when the red blood cells form and they acquire the sickle shape instead of biconcave disc shape. This makes them unable to transport oxygen effectively and because of the funny shape they can cause blockage of blood vessels leading to pain and other complications. Other components of blood including platelets and clotting factors are usually un affected, so blood would clot normally.
Diana commented on :
guys congrats, I agree with u Priscilla.
Diana commented on :
Thanks a lot.
lina commented on :
wow thanx jemmoh,for asking atleast i know the reason